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Social organization


Belarus State Economic University



Organizational studies studies individual and group dynamics in the organizational setting, as well as nature of organizations themselves. Whenever people interact in organizations, many factors come into play. Organizational studies attempts to understand and model these factors.


A social organization is characterized by a number of social qualities, or features:

The opposite mode of the organization is a system of relations wherein the direction of activity is not fixed in one way, but flows back and forth between the entities involved. In other words, the parties must consent to each other’s direction of activity. An example of this is a partnership or a commune.

Organizational area includes:

· the paradigm: what the organization is about; what it does; its mission; its values;

· symbols: logos and designs;

· rituals and routines: management meetings, board reports etc. which may become more habitual than necessary;

· stories and myths: build up about people and events, and convey a message about what is valued within the organization.

· there is one god who commands, but cannot be commanded;

· at work: your boss tells you what to do, and his boss tells him what to do, but you don’t tell anyone what to do until you get promoted.

· as for finances, nonprofits focus on human capital whereas for-profits focus on monetary capital. Nonprofits have certain unique accounts (usually grants) that can only be spent on certain activities. However, both types of organizations carry out very similar basic bookkeeping activities;

The German sociologist believed that bureaucracy in its ideal type should be governed by the following 7 principles:

5. Permanent staff as employees who are working for the organization on a continous basis (for as long period of time as possible) and devoted themselves to it, i. e. work for this very organization is their main occupation.

Management in the organization

Any impact is impossible without applying methods of social governance that fall into those applied to a separate individual, group and social organization.

An individual’s behaviour can be regulated by direct order, stimulation (through needs and stimuli), system of values (bringing up, education) and social milieu (changing work conditions, a status etc).

· standardized, routine ones such as paying regular wages or allowances, sacking an employee after his taking a notice in etc.;

· derived, secondary ones such as those to implement decisions made before;


· rules that govern expected behaviours or outcomes;

· standards that serve as benchmarks for compliance;

Social regulations are typically developed to prevent harm to a society. While there is much conceivable harm that could be addressed, it is up to governmental officials to determine the particular harms that deserve attention.

Development of management on the post-Soviet area


Authority – people’s voluntary abeyance to one of them due to his peculiar individual qualities; in politics, it generally refers to the ability to make laws, independent of the power to enforce them, or the ability to permit something.

Additional literature

2. Bourdeiu P. Logic of Practice. – Cambridge: Polity Press, 1990. – 382 p.

4. Durkheim E. The Division of Labour in Society. – New York, NY: Free Press; 1997. – 272 p.

5. Durkheim E. Suicide. – New York, NY: Free Press; 1951. – 345 p.

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